free your mind


If Im in charge of the world..
No guns allowed, no leaders will be vowed.
Ice creams for free for those who flee.
Only one religion,the nation is not dissected to regions.
Everyone is fair, no one will despair.

If Im in charge of the world..
I will not change those men in position,but
I will change those men's vision.
Not let them do what i want
But let them do what they need.

If Im in charge of the world..
No one will beg a change for food,
But help them have, big change for good.
A job for jobless
A jar of hope for hopeless.
A love for those who hate,
An extra time for those who wait.

If i am, but Im not..
So i leave the things to whom is in charge,
Believe him that there's a change.
That all those unfinished task of mine,
That time that Im in charge on our world
Is still there till i grow old.

Now that Im awake and ready to face,
The reality that makes me weak and brace.
Continue to be strong and live,
Sum up my knowledge about life and be a lesson,
Be on tract and don't deceive.
Though Im not in charge of the world
I still have a life that goes on.